Nasopharyngeal cancer is the commonest and deadliest form of this disease


The term "nose cancer" refers to the portion of the pharynx that extends from the nose to the windpipe. It is an extremely dangerous type of lung cancer, which can often spread to other parts of the body, especially if it has spread to the heart or brain.


This type of cancer is caused by a virus called human papillomavirus or HPV. It is highly contagious and can be spread from person to person through direct contact. The virus spreads easily from one area of ​​the body to another when tissues are inflamed or bleeding, such as during surgery or coughing. The most common symptoms of this cancer are fever, abdominal pain, and difficulty swallowing.


The symptoms of this disease are not always obvious, and sometimes even a doctor cannot confirm that a person has been infected with the papillomavirus. The virus can be contracted through intercourse, anal or oral sex. It is also possible to get infected in the pool or through contact with animals infected with the virus.


Most people contract the disease from the environment and come into direct contact with contaminated areas. A person who has recently had a dental procedure may develop an infection in the mouth that spreads to other parts of the body. In some cases, people with nose allergies can also suffer from this condition.


There are certain types of infections that can cause this form of cancer. Some examples of these are HIV / AIDS, diabetes, viral sinusitis, and pneumonia.


This type of cancer can be a precursor to lung cancer, which means that if the cancer cells have already spread to the lungs, they could become cancerous. If cancer cells have already spread to the lungs, it is important to remove them from the lungs before they spread to other parts of the body, including the heart or brain.



The early symptoms of nasopharynx cancer include soreness in the throat, difficulty swallowing or breathing and pain or pressure in the chest, especially when breathing. If the condition spreads to the lungs, it will cause shortness of breath and a feeling of fullness in the chest.


If the condition spreads to the neck, the pain will be felt in the neck region and in the shoulder or upper back. Sometimes, the neck pain is accompanied by fever, which will become increasingly worse if the cancer spreads to the lungs. Once the condition spreads to the brain, it is imperative that it be treated as soon as possible to avoid the spreading of the cancer to other parts of the body.


Treatment options involve removing the cancerous cells from the area of the body that is affected, or burning it off. Surgery is also available.


Radiation therapy is used to kill cancer cells by using low doses of radiation, which are given directly into the tumor or the tissues around it. Radiation therapy is also used to treat other types of cancer, such as kidney, bladder, bowel, breast and colon. Although this is a commonly used treatment for cancerous tumors, it is often only recommended as a last resort.


Chemotherapy is used to stop the growth of cells. This involves treating cells by injecting chemicals into the tumor. It is often combined with surgery.


Chemotherapy treatments will destroy all of the cells that are currently dividing and stop them from multiplying. Some chemotherapy treatments are also used to kill cancerous cells that have already spread to the blood stream, such as leukemia.

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