Diverticulosis and Surgery

About 40% develop diverticulitis by middle age; men and women suffer the same. Nearly one third of all people with diverticular disorder will develop diverticular bleeding (a complication of diverticulosis and is more common in women), and 30% will eventually develop diverticulitis (a more serious form of diverticulitis).   Diverticula are large, flat pockets (sometimes

A Brief History Of Reiter’s Syndrome

Diagnosing Reiter's syndrome is difficult because of all the vague and varied symptoms associated with it. In fact, most of the tests your doctor can do to diagnose Reiter's syndrome will also help rule out other forms of arthritis. The most accurate tests for this disease are blood tests, MRI scans, and computed tomography scans.

At Electasis Surgery

  Anaesthesia and bronchoscopy are two of the most common methods for diagnosing atelectasis. Bronchoscopy involves the use of a long tube called a bronchoscope to view the lungs and the airways through a camera. A tracheoscope is used to examine the chest and neck for obstructions and abnormalities. For patients who have a history

Depression Causes – SAD

When one thinks of depression, the first thing that comes to mind is usually the "traditional" sad-themed movies and television shows. But in actuality, sad moods can come in many different forms, and SAD is not just a product of the holidays or popular movies. SAD, also known as seasonal affective disorder (or seasonal affective