How to Cure Jock Itch

To treat jock itch, you should wash the affected area regularly. It is effective to use anti-fungal creams, gels, and ointments available over the counter. Using a clean, dry washcloth will help reduce the spread of the fungus. Also, avoid wearing tight clothing to prevent rubbing the infected area. However, applying an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream

How to Deal With a Headache

If you have a headache, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Whether your headache is constant or severe, you must seek help immediately. If you experience a headache that makes you cringe at the sound of a light, you need immediate medical care. There are many ways to deal with a headache, but

Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Nasopharyngeal cancer is the commonest and deadliest form of this disease   The term "nose cancer" refers to the portion of the pharynx that extends from the nose to the windpipe. It is an extremely dangerous type of lung cancer, which can often spread to other parts of the body, especially if it has spread

Stigmatizing People

  Stigmatized medical conditions are not the same as being the "different". Stigmatizing conditions can occur for many reasons, including genetic disorders (genetic conditions can cause physical disorders as well), emotional factors (such as abuse and depression), and a lack of information (there is no current consensus on the best treatments for many illnesses). Stigmatizing